leon of modena造句
- In the preface Reggio outlined Leon of Modena's biography.
- Liebermann mixed enlightened notions with quotes from nonconformist Jewish medieval philosophers, especially Leon of Modena.
- The earliest attempt at a printed musical copyright notice appears in the infringing the text, written by Leon of Modena.
- R . Moses'son, R . Azriel ben Moses Bassola, was a known scholar, whom among his students was R . Leon of Modena.
- Though he failed to rise to real distinction, Leon of Modena earned a place in Jewish history in part by his criticism of the mystical approach to Judaism.
- It's difficult to find leon of modena in a sentence. 用leon of modena造句挺难的
- In their autobiographical writings from the early 17th century, both mystic Hayyim Vital and rabbi Leon of Modena claim matter-of-factly to have asked a dream question.
- His piyyumim were praised also by Leon of Modena, who composed a song in his honor, which was printed at the beginning of the " Olat Shabbat, " the second part of the " Zemirot Yisrael ."
- At the time, the issue of whether Jews should be permitted to resettle in Britain was coming to the fore ( See Resettlement of the Jews in England ), and Leon of Modena's book did much to stimulate popular interest.
- She was also a prolific editor and translator of works by other writers, including Droste-H黮shoff, Achim von Arnim, Moses Mendelssohn, Fanny Lewald, Hermann Cohen, Rahel Varnhagen, Heinrich Heine, Skind von Trimberg, Profiat Duran and Leon of Modena.
- The " Be % inat ha-2abbalah " is an edition of Leon of Modena's two pamphlets " 2ol Sakal " and " Sha'agat Aryeh "; these Reggio provided with a preface, and with one hundred critical notes forming the second part of the work.
- The selichot are taken partly from the collection used on the general fast-days and Yom Kippur, with the " Viddui ha-Gadol " ( the great confession of sin by Rabbenu Nissim ) and " Ashamnu ", and also a beautiful poem written for the occasion by Leon of Modena and beginning with " Yom zeh ".
- The teachers, philosophers of religion, and preachers of the post-Talmudic period also had recourse to the parable to illustrate their meaning, such as Bachya ibn Pakuda in his " Chovot ha-Levavot " ( ii . 6, iii . 9 ), Judah ha-Levi in his " Kuzari " ( i . 109 ), and Leon of Modena ( comp.
- Another such was Leon of Modena, who, complaining that " the thinker is tortured by doubt, whereas the blind believer enjoys peace of mind, and bliss in the world to come " ( see Ari Nohem, quoted by H . Gr鋞z, " Gesch . " 3d ed ., x . 130 ), arrived through skepticism at a liberal interpretation of traditional Judaism ( see S . Stern, " Der Kampf des Rabbiners Gegen den Talmud im xviii.