
leon of modena造句


  1. In the preface Reggio outlined Leon of Modena's biography.
  2. Liebermann mixed enlightened notions with quotes from nonconformist Jewish medieval philosophers, especially Leon of Modena.
  3. The earliest attempt at a printed musical copyright notice appears in the infringing the text, written by Leon of Modena.
  4. R . Moses'son, R . Azriel ben Moses Bassola, was a known scholar, whom among his students was R . Leon of Modena.
  5. Though he failed to rise to real distinction, Leon of Modena earned a place in Jewish history in part by his criticism of the mystical approach to Judaism.
  6. It's difficult to find leon of modena in a sentence. 用leon of modena造句挺难的
  7. In their autobiographical writings from the early 17th century, both mystic Hayyim Vital and rabbi Leon of Modena claim matter-of-factly to have asked a dream question.
  8. His piyyumim were praised also by Leon of Modena, who composed a song in his honor, which was printed at the beginning of the " Olat Shabbat, " the second part of the " Zemirot Yisrael ."
  9. At the time, the issue of whether Jews should be permitted to resettle in Britain was coming to the fore ( See Resettlement of the Jews in England ), and Leon of Modena's book did much to stimulate popular interest.
  10. She was also a prolific editor and translator of works by other writers, including Droste-H黮shoff, Achim von Arnim, Moses Mendelssohn, Fanny Lewald, Hermann Cohen, Rahel Varnhagen, Heinrich Heine, Skind von Trimberg, Profiat Duran and Leon of Modena.
  11. The " Be % inat ha-2abbalah " is an edition of Leon of Modena's two pamphlets " 2ol Sakal " and " Sha'agat Aryeh "; these Reggio provided with a preface, and with one hundred critical notes forming the second part of the work.
  12. The selichot are taken partly from the collection used on the general fast-days and Yom Kippur, with the " Viddui ha-Gadol " ( the great confession of sin by Rabbenu Nissim ) and " Ashamnu ", and also a beautiful poem written for the occasion by Leon of Modena and beginning with " Yom zeh ".
  13. The teachers, philosophers of religion, and preachers of the post-Talmudic period also had recourse to the parable to illustrate their meaning, such as Bachya ibn Pakuda in his " Chovot ha-Levavot " ( ii . 6, iii . 9 ), Judah ha-Levi in his " Kuzari " ( i . 109 ), and Leon of Modena ( comp.
  14. Another such was Leon of Modena, who, complaining that " the thinker is tortured by doubt, whereas the blind believer enjoys peace of mind, and bliss in the world to come " ( see Ari Nohem, quoted by H . Gr鋞z, " Gesch . " 3d ed ., x . 130 ), arrived through skepticism at a liberal interpretation of traditional Judaism ( see S . Stern, " Der Kampf des Rabbiners Gegen den Talmud im xviii.


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